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Inner Moonlight Second Anniversary

Inner Moonlight, our monthly poetry series, celebrates its second anniversary with a virtual experience, 11 poets read their poems from their homes. Make sure you click on this link to watch all the performances on YouTube.

Inner Moonlight Second Anniversary

Inner Moonlight, our monthly poetry series, celebrates its second anniversary with a virtual experience, 11 poets read their poems from their homes. Make sure you click on this link to watch all the performances on YouTube.

If you’ve ever been to Inner Moonlight, you know the show starts something like this: Howdy! This is Inner Moonlight, the Wild Detectives’ monthly poetry show. I’m your host, Logen Cure, and y’all, I am super stoked about our feature poets tonight!

This April marks two years of being utterly stoked about all the poets and writers I have had the honor of hosting. In the last year, we’ve featured 22 writers, published six interviews, and one book review, with the help of Inner Moonlight collaborator Katy Dycus. Last April, we celebrated our first anniversary by inviting back all of our featured writers for a massive poetry party in the Wild Detectives backyard. This year, we are creating a similar sort of experience virtually. I am proud to present this series of videos from many of our amazing writers from the past year of Inner Moonlight!

One of the goals of Inner Moonlight is to hype folks with new books, which is why we developed the practice of interviews and reviews. In the video descriptions, you will find information on where you can learn more about these writers, and any books they have published. Just like I always say during intermission: buy a book!

The other thing we do at Inner Moonlight is create space for each other. It is such a powerful thing to gather and listen. So many people have approached me after shows to say how beautiful the night was, how warm and inviting the Wild Detectives is, how brilliant the features are, how surprising and fun the open mic is. While I miss curating that physical space, I have to say, seeing all these gorgeous faces and hearing work I love has done me so much good. I hope it does you good, as well. I am deeply proud of all we have accomplished and the magic we have created together.

Stay tuned for the future of Inner Moonlight!

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Logen Cure

Logen Cure is a queer poet and professor. She curates Inner Moonlight, the monthly podcast reading series for The Wild Detectives in Dallas. She's an editor for Voicemail Poems. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her debut full-length poetry collection, Welcome to Midland (Deep Vellum Publishing, 2021) was shortlisted for the Reading the West Book Awards. She lives in Dallas-Fort Worth. Learn more at